Composition: echinacea herb, eucalyptus leaves, calamus rhizome, motherwort herb, ginger root, licorice root, turmeric root, clove flowers, green tea, essential oil of eucalyptus, mint, lemon. Thanks to the plants included in the composition, phyto - tea "KM-Mix-3" " Calming" has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immuno-strengthening and antioxidant properties. The product has a calming effect, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, relieves increased irritability, improves sleep, and increases the body's resistance. In particular, it prevents colds and viral diseases, improves the activity of the respiratory system.

Certificate of state registration: KZ. 000392.03.16 of 03/04/2016

"KM-Mix-3" "Calming" is used as a biologically active food supplement to maintain the functional state of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. It relieves increased irritability, improves sleep in case of neurosis and depressive states. How to use: 1 filter bag per cup of boiling water (100-150 ml), take 2-3 times in the afternoon.

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